Detailed Schedule
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Monday 19 June
Keynote ( abstract )
Jean-Pierre Dalmont
Harmonic stepped waveguides and their application to music
Woodwinds, reeds ( I )
- James Cottingham
Reed chamber resonances and reed tongue vibrational modes in free reed excitation. - Marion Volpe, Philippe Guillemain, Pierre-André Taillard and Jean Kergomard
Objective comparisons between an ancient and a modern clarinet. - Connor Kemp and Gary Scavone
Static stiffness evaluation and aging behaviour of played alto saxophone reeds.
Woodwinds, reeds ( II )
- Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Alex Hofmann and Vasileios Chatziioannou
Strain to displacement calibration for single-reeds using a high-speed camera. - Martin Proscia, Pablo Riera and Manuel Eguia
A timbral and musical performance analysis of saxophone multiphonics morphings. - Pierre-André Taillard, Jean-Pierre Dalmont, Bruno Gazengel and Alberto Muñoz Arancón
Analysis of nonlinear characteristics of the clarinet exciter obtained via a new measurement method.
Winds, general ( I )
- Kurt Hoffman
Construction and Modeling of a Horn Built of Cylindrical PVC Pipe. - Nobuyuki Umetani, Emily Whiting, Athina Panotopoulou and Ryan Schmidt
Printone: Interactive Resonance Simulation for Print-wind Instrument Design. - Burton Patkau, Antoine Lefebvre and Edward Kort
Wind Instrument Optimization Made Practical.
Winds, general ( II )
- Henri Boutin, Sandie Le Conte, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou and Benoit Fabre
How do wood polishing and oiling affect acoustic dissipation in the bore of wind instruments? - Sebastian Schmutzhard, Vasileios Chatziioannou and Alex Hofmann
Parameter optimisation of a viscothermal time-domain model for wind instruments. - Marthe Curtit, Benoit Fabre, Joël Gilbert, Christophe Vergez, Jérémy Cabaret and Natacha Grauer
Experimental study on the use of input impedance in an instrument making context.
Poster session ( I ) : wind instruments, piano, harpsichord
- Alexis Guilloteau, Philippe Guillemain, Jean Kergomard and Michael Jousserand
On the second register's playability of the clarinet : towards a multicriteria approach. - Whitney Coyle and Carter Richard
An investigation of the clarinet reed's vibrating surface area. - Alexis Guilloteau, Philippe Guillemain and Michael Jousserand
Beneficial aspects of toneholes undercutting applied to clarinet design. - Augustin Ernoult and Benoît Fabre
Who does control the attack transients of the recorder, the musician or the instrument maker? - Cassandre Balosso-Bardin, Augustin Ernoult, Patricio de La Cuadra, Ilya Franciosi and Benoit Fabre
Music or Mechanics? Understanding the role of a bagpiper’s arm. - Jost Fischer and Rolf Bader
Numerical Simulations of Transverse Modes in the Initial Transient of an Organ Pipe. - Cassandre Balosso-Bardin, Patricio de La Cuadra, Camille Vauthrin and Benoit Fabre
Reconstructing an 1832 Boehm conical flute: an interdisciplinary collaboration. - Song Wang and Gary Scavone
Finite element modeling of sound radiation at the open end of a conic frustum. - Niko Plath, Florian Pfeifle, Christian Koehn and Rolf Bader
Radiation characteristics of grand piano soundboards in different stages of production - Jean-Loic Le Carrou, Arthur Paté, Arthur Givois and Alexandre Roy
Experimental study of the plectrum shape and the key velocity on the harpsichord sound. - Caroline Traube, Manon Moulin and Felipe Verdugo
Controlling piano tone by varying the "weight" applied on the key. - Camille Adkison, Eric Rokni, Lauren Neldner and Thomas Moore
The production of phantom partials in the sound of the modern piano.
Tuesday 20 June
Keynote ( abstract )
Antoine Chaigne
Acoustics of pianos: what we can learn from the analysis and simulations of historic instruments.
- Yozo Araki and Toshiya Samejima
Physics-based high-efficiency analysis of membranophones using a spectral method. - Tatiana Statsenko, Vasileios Chatziioannou and Wilfried Kausel
Optical interferometry for transient deformation analysis. - Miguel Carvalho, Vincent Debut and Jose Antunes
A review of bell design and tuning techniques from magic to science.
Modeling, synthesis ( I )
- Rolf Bader
Finite-Difference Model (FDM) of mode shape changes of the Myanmar pat wain drum circle with tuning paste on drum head. - Tamara Smyth, Jennifer Hsu and Ryan Done
Toward a real-time waveguide mesh implementation. - Florian Pfeifle
Real-time physical model of a cymbal using the full von Kármán plate equations.
Plucked strings
- Clara Issanchou, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Cyril Touzé, Benoît Fabre and Olivier Doaré
String / fretboard interaction in electric basses: Simulations and experiments. - Chris Waltham
Calibrating impact measurements of qin sound hole velocities. - Henri Boutin, Sandie Le Conte and Philippe Bruguiere
Non-Occidental Lutes : relationship between making process and functionality.
Bowed strings
- Frédéric Ablitzer and François Gautier
Analysis of sound post adjustment using a hybrid bowed string model. - Colin Gough
Influence of bridge, island area, bass bar and soundpost on the acoustic modes of the violin. - Chris Chafe, Esteban Maestre, Augusto Sarti, Antonio Canclini, Gary Scavone, Julius Smith and Fabio Antonacci
The return of the Messiah: Modal analysis and bridge admittance modeling.
Poster session ( II ) : percussion, strings
- Sylvain Maugeais
On the role of the second membrane of the tabla. - Negin Abaeian, Ulrich Blass, Gary Scavone and Larry Lessard
Finite Element Design and Manufacturing of a Nylon-String Guitar Soundboard from Sandwich-Structured Composites. - Mark Rau, Esteban Maestre, Julius Smith and Gary Scavone
An Exploration of Guitar Neck Admittance Measurements Taken at Different String Stopping Locations. - Kota Otsuka, Koichi Mizutani, Naoto Wakatsuki and Tadashi Ebihara
Effects on Temporal Change of Vibrational Properties on Guitar String by Stringing and Plucking. - Léo Guadagnin, Bertrand Lihoreau, Pierrick Lotton and Emmanuel Brasseur
Study of magnetic pickups for electric guitars. - Jean-Loic Le Carrou and Delphine Chadefaux
Kinematics analyses of strings and upper limbs during harpist's performance. - Massimiliano Zanoni, Fabio Antonacci and Augusto Sarti
Towards Prediction of Violin Timbre from vibrational measurements. - Matthias Flückiger, Tobias Grosshauser and Gerhard Tröster
Evaluation of a miniature accelerometer with a laser Doppler vibrometer to study vibrations at the neck of a violin in realistic playing scenarios. - Masaki Mohri, Naoto Wakatsuki and Koichi Mizutani
Comparison of Tones and Physical Properties among Cello Strings of Different Materials. - Quim Llimona, Charalampos Saitis, Esteban Maestre and Gary Scavone
Exploring simulation-based playability metrics of 9 perceptually evaluated violins. - Francesco Setragno, Massimiliano Zanoni, Fabio Antonacci and Augusto Sarti
Feature-based timbral characterization of ancient and modern violins.
Wednesday 21 June
Keynote ( abstract )
Maarten van Walstijn
Collisions in musical instruments: a numerical modelling perspective.
Modeling, synthesis ( II )
- Vasileios Chatziioannou and Maarten Van Walstijn
On the contact duration accuracy of discrete-time collision models. - Vincent Debut and Jose Antunes
Realistic guitar modelling using a dynamical multibody approach. - Guilherme Paiva, Frédéric Ablitzer, François Gautier, Mathieu Sécail-Géraud and José Maria Campos Dos Santos
Physical modelling and sound synthesis of a Viola Caipira.
Modeling, synthesis ( III )
- Nick Giordano
Lip Dynamics in a Physical Model of the Trumpet. - Esteban Maestre, Julius O. Smith and Gary P. Scavone
Analysis-Synthesis of Saxophone Input Impedances via Recursive Parallel Filters. - Xavier Pelorson, Anne Bouvet and Annemie Van Hirtum
Synthesis of the human voice using a simplified physical model
Brass instruments
- Amaya Lopez-Carromero, Jonathan Kemp and Murray Campbell
Experimental investigations of the effects of fast slide movements in the trombone on the behaviour of an artificial mouth - Megumi Satou, Tetsuro Kitahara, Hiroko Terasawa and Masaki Matsubara
Relationships between Abdominal and Around-Lip Muscle Activities and Acoustic Features when Playing the Trumpet - Mathieu Secail-Geraud, Lévy Leblanc, Joel Gilbert and Francois Gautier
Vibroacoustics of brass instruments: analysis of the coupling mechanisms thanks to a double bell experiment
Contemporary instruments
- Francois Gautier, Frederic Ablitzer, Jean-Loic Le Carrou and Liujian Zhang
Hybrid modeling of Cristal Baschet sounds. - Dharit Tantiviramanond and Jeffrey Snyder
The Birl Physical Model. - Lior Arbel, Yoav Y. Schechner and Noam Amir
An Electromagnet Based Wine Glass Instrument.
Poster session ( III ) : brass, timbre, perception, voice
- Lionel Velut, Christophe Vergez and Joël Gilbert
Multiphonics in the trombone, measurements and time-domain simulations. - Robin Tournemenne, Jean-François Petiot and Joel Gilbert
Optimization of brass instruments based on physical modeling sound simulations. - Lionel Velut, Christophe Vergez, Pierre Vigué and Joël Gilbert
Harmonic balance and continuation applied to a model of brass instruments. - Punita G Singh
Resolving rhythm ambiguities with timbre. - Konca Saher and Yalin Ozgencil
Assessment of Auralizations of Piano and Guitar for Music Practice Rooms. - Rachel Miller and Daniel Fogerty
The effect of musical abilities on implicit and explicit memory. - Malte Kob and Armin Kohlrausch
Transient timbre and pitch changes in musical instruments and voice. - Timothy Wofford, Claudia Fritz, Benoît Fabre and Jean-Marc Chouvel
Measurements and perceptions of interactions between musicians and cellos. - Kenta Wakasa, Masaki Matsubara, Yuzuru Hiraga and Hiroko Terasawa
Acoustic Characteristics of Pressed and Normal Phonations in Choir Singing by Male Singers. - Stella Paschalidou, Martin Clayton and Tuomas Eerola
Effort in interactions with imaginary objects in Hindustani vocal music – Towards enhancing gesture-controlled virtual instruments.
Thursday 22 June
Timbre, perception ( I )
- Joseph Plazak and Stephen McAdams
The role of Spectral Envelope Ratio within the perception of sound-source size: a psychophysical and affective investigation. - Savvas Kazazis, Nicholas Esterer, Philippe Depalle and Stephen McAdams
A Performance Evaluation of the Timbre Toolbox and the MIRtoolbox on Calibrated Test Sounds. - Etienne Thoret, Philippe Depalle and Stephen McAdams
Meta-analysis of studies on timbre dissimilarity based on spectrotemporal modulation representations.
Timbre, perception ( II )
- Noam Amir, Eitan Globerson and Yael Zaltz
Relating psychoacoustic thresholds to auditory experience. - Felix Dobrowohl, Roger Dean and Andrew Milne
Generation of Perceptible Rhythmic Timbral Events. - Aurélien Antoine and Eduardo Miranda
Musical Acoustics, Timbre, and Computer-Aided Orchestration Challenges.